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CAN CH C-Myste Baledwr Yasashiikuma Liberty

picture of dog
Registered Name: C-Myste Baledwr Yasashiikuma Liberty
Prefix Titles: CAN CH
Breeder: Carolyn Cannon
Amanda (Mandy) Katasse
Jennifer Kramer
Owner: Shelley Camm
Christopher Shaw
Kennel: C-Myste
Sire: Merrymoon Firestorm ROMvB
Dam: Mariel Reese's Alice Springs ROMs
Call Name: Libby
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 17 OCT 2007
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: Canada
Colour: Brindle and White
Distinguishing Features:
Website: http://yasashiikuma.com
Known Offspring:
Registration#: DN19929806
Registry: AKC
C-Myste Baledwr Free Speech
C-Myste Baledwr Free to Disagree HT RI TKN CGC VC ROMb
C-Myste Baledwr Let Freedom Ring ROMB
C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit of Happiness AM CD RN HSAsd HXAsM OAP AJP RATO TT MVCX ROMvG
C-Myste Baledwr Speedy Trial

C-Myste Baledwr Yasashiikuma Liberty

Merrymoon Firestorm ROMvB

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Joseter Geefax JW HC ROMs

Kentwood Lyneth ROMg

Phi-Vestavia Unforgettable

Phi-Vestavia Nautilus PT CGC ROMVP

Rikarlo American Phi

Mariel Reese's Alice Springs ROMs

Reese's Bold As Brass ROMb
Spectrum Huff of Larchmont

Larchmonts Rainni Day ROMb

Ironhill Valentine To Mariel AM CD ROMs

Davenitch Caboose on the Loose ROMb

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