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Cardi Ridge

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Registered Name: Cardi Ridge
Prefix Titles:
Breeder: Marla Gardner
Sam Sr. Gardner
Meri Tuuli Aalto
Kennel: CardiRidge
Sire: Sisterwood's Winsome Will ROMs
Dam: Indovan's Belinda
Call Name:
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 15 JUL 2000
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Country of Birth: USA
Country of Residence: USA
Colour: Brindle and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: DL85168902
Registry: AKC
Cardiridge Cassanova RN NJP
Cardiridge Sir Braveheart CD RE OAP NJP VC CGC TDI
Cardiridge's Llewy G
Crdirg Callant Atticus Finch
Crdirg Chip Off The Ol Block
Cardi Ridge

Sisterwood's Winsome Will ROMs
Larchmonts Tiger 'N Disguise HTSpectrum Huff of Larchmont
Sisterwood's Pteri Tiger ROMb
Sisterwood's Happy Angel Wings ROMbZircon's Jack of Hearts AM CD ROMb
Chandler's Her Roy'l Happiness ROMs

Indovan's Belinda

Yardican Icaros

Smultronbackens Donovan

I'M LOVE of Saint Hilaire's Park

Mandylay's Josephine

Deavitte Oakleaf

Mandylay's Elegance