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IE CH Jazenta Jack N Jones

picture of dog
Registered Name: Jazenta Jack N Jones
Prefix Titles: IE CH
Breeder: Elizabeth Stewart
Owner: Hilde Elisabeth Sørvik Mathisen
Kennel: Jazenta
Sire: Yardican Irish Iyes
Dam: Jazenta So High I'm Floatin
Call Name:
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 24 JAN 2011
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Country of Birth: Ireland
Country of Residence: Norway
Weight: 17 kg (37.48 pound)
Colour: Black and White with Brindle
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Registration#: Z15811


Category Registry ID or Results Date
Hips: Other c
Elbows: Other a
PRA: Optigen free

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