Pedigree of Elmsmere Star Finale
Elmsmere Star FinalePluperfect Merrymoon Proper EnglishmanCerridwen Davenitch Believe In HimKennebec Everybody Loves...
Davenitch Rhiannon Latte
Pluperfect Merrymoon PeasegoodKingsbury's I'm Harry P ROMg
Pluperfect-Merrymoon Praise
Beryllos You Look Like A Star At Elmsmere JW ShCMFilofany Ex-actly on TimeCool Breezer for Jazenta Gaucho
Tosia Xtacee Filofany Peek A Boo
Beryllos I'll Be Your DreamNewcard's Power in Black
Phi-Vestavia I Love Beryllos
This pedigree was generated by The Cardigan Archives