Pedigree of Windmill's Remember the Time

Windmill's Remember the Time

XIV Karat A Date To Remember RN FDC CGC TKN VC

Aubrey's Mystery Date at XIV Karat

Heart Of Gold Power Play ROMg
Aubrey's Tails Of Mystery

XIV Karat She's all the Rave at Lazy Paws

XIV Karat Heart Of Gold Harry Go Lucky RN CGCA CGCU TKN ROMV

Spotlight's Xiv Karat Be True To Your Heart

Pecan Valley Party in the USA ROMb

Pecan Valley Black Friday

Regent Midnight Rush RN NAP NJP ROM-V-Silver

Pecan Valley Freezing Rain

Buckaroo Twinroc Fastest Girl At Regent

Regent Midnight Rush RN NAP NJP ROM-V-Silver

Twinroc Buckaroo Bramble PT
This pedigree was generated by The Cardigan Archives